STWBrasil in the Media – See the main news and relevant topics of 2021.

STWBrasil na Mídia - Veja as principais notícias e temas relevantes de 2021

Whenever one of the experts here at STWBrasil is called by serious media outlets with a good reputation to talk about information security, it is a moment that fills us with pride and assures us that we are on the right track.

After all, is there any greater prestige for a company or professional than being recognized as an authority in the segment in which they operate?

In 2021, there were numerous occasions when we experienced this moment. Our partner, an expert in information security and Digital Forensic Expert, Marcelo Nagy, was often present in the media, whether giving statements for journalistic articles or even on television, participating in a high-audience program.

When we look at all of Marcelo Nagy’s media appearances, we immediately notice the predominance of a theme that dominated information security: digital scams, involving cell phone theft or not. Let’s remember together?

Marcelo Nagy in the media in 2021: recalling the participations of our information security expert

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly reduced the movement of people in cities.

An indirect consequence of this scenario was a significant increase in cyber scams in the last two years.

After all, people may not have been circulating in the physical world, but in compensation, they have never been so immersed in the digital world.

Another relevant factor that needs to be considered is the introduction of PIX. The transfer modality facilitated everyone’s life, including scammers, who can clean out the victims’ accounts with enormous speed.

Still, in the universe of digital crimes, we cannot forget the increase in ransomware attacks. Data hijacking and similar scams did not even spare state agencies.

If the world has never been so digital, and it should be even more so with the arrival of 5G and the development of the metaverse, information security and technological environments have never been so important.

Thus, Marcelo Nagy’s appearances in the media in 2021 played an important pedagogical role, communicating important information clearly and didactically so that even the layperson in the subject can protect themselves.

In this sense, the participation in the programs “Encontro com Fátima” and “É de Casa,” both from Rede Globo, the largest and most important television network in the country, played an essential role, allowing for mass information security education.

Check out Marcelo Nagy’s appearances and topics covered in the media in 2021 below:

It is worth reinforcing that Marcelo Nagy’s presence in Globo’s programs is becoming increasingly regular, having already appeared on “Encontro com Fátima” twice at the beginning of this year. In January, talking about Instagram profile invasion scams, and in early February, again addressing security measures for cell phone thefts.

Thus, it seems that we will have even more Marcelo Nagy in the media in 2022, bringing quality information and making his STWBrasil colleagues proud.

And let’s face it? Topics for the participation of our friendly partner and expert will not be lacking. Information security in digital environments has never been so important, and not only because of digital scams but also due to the lack of transparency still existing in the use of data by governments and companies.

We have the right not to have a life controlled by algorithms – even though it is already partially so.

The ethics in the use of technology and data slowly ceases to be a niche and academic discussion and becomes more tangible as the population is informed clearly and accessibly about the transformations underway and the future we want.

And it is worth remembering: 2022 is the year of 5G, which enables a series of automated solutions, allows new applications of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things, raising the importance of data and network security. Imagine an attack on a company where hackers take control of the machines, for example.

Here we will continue doing what we know best: promoting information security, whether in educational actions, media, or customer service; contributing to the elucidation of digital crimes through forensic expertise; and contributing to the development of a safer digital environment for everyone.

Are you coming with us on this journey?

Leading company in information security. The digital protection of your company is our priority. We rely on state-of-the-art technology used by highly specialized professionals.

(11) 2666-3787
R. São Bento, 365 – 8o Andar – Centro Histórico de São Paulo, São Paulo – SP,
CNPJ: 05.089.825/0001-48.

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