Data Leakage: 10 Ways to Protect Yourself from Invasions and Online Scams

Vazamento de Dados_ 10 formas para se Proteger de Invasões e Golpes Online

Data leakage and invasions are two of the most common threats to the digital security of individuals and companies.

A quick search on search engines can find numerous news about this type of criminal action worldwide.

The connectivity of the internet has brought numerous conveniences to our daily lives, as well as great improvements for business processes.

However, the digital world is full of cyber threats. It is no wonder that cybersecurity today receives significant investments and attention from companies in various sectors.

Being a victim of digital scams can cause much more than simple disturbances.

These scams can put the future and survival of organizations at risk.

It is essential that managers and entrepreneurs are clear about this situation. And, of course, that they act effectively to protect their data and networks.

STW Brasil is an expert in digital security and will help you protect yourself from cyberattacks.

Data Leakage: 10 ways to avoid invasions and cyberattacks

Check out below 10 ways to protect yourself from invasion, data leakage, and other threats to information security.

1- Invest in digital security education

Many of the main virtual threats, despite their complexity, still require human actions to be successful.

Clicking on a malicious link or downloading files infested with malware are some of the most common ways to open your network to invasions.

Therefore, one of the first measures to be taken is to educate users about cyber threats.

To improve information security in your company, your employees must know and apply good practices in internet use.

2- Keep your operating systems and software updated

The action of virtual criminals often focuses on looking for weaknesses and gaps in systems and software.

In view of this, developers also invest in this type of action, trying to anticipate the hackers’ actions.

When a developer discovers flaws in their operating system or software, corrections are usually implemented in the next updates.

Therefore, it is very important that you always follow the update recommendations. This way, you avoid being another victim of Cybercrimes.

3- Be careful with your passwords

Aiming for ease in everyday life, many users succumb to the use of easy and obvious passwords.

Think it’s an exaggeration?

See what this survey by the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre says:

The password “123456” is used to access 23.2 million online accounts and services.

In other words, this is the most common password in the world!

3.1- Use Password Managers to Avoid Data Leakage

Are you afraid of using a complex password? Or do you believe you will forget and not be able to access the service anymore?

Count on a reliable password manager, and you won’t run that risk.

Moreover, most software and services have an option to recover the password.

Another important point is to avoid using the same password for everything.

This way, you avoid that when you are a victim of an invasion at one point, the criminal can access all the others.

4- Activate two-step verification

In addition to setting a strong password to access your systems, software, and online services, what else should you do?

It is very important, whenever possible, to activate two-step verification.

This way, you add an extra layer of protection and make it difficult for criminals to act.

5- Never save payment data on websites

Is it safe to save credit card data on websites, such as partner e-commerce sites, for example?

If your company makes online purchases from suppliers, it is ideal that the password is not saved on their site. Even if aiming for the ease of the purchase process.

We know that there is usually an investment in cybersecurity by these companies. Mainly to combat the data leakage of their customers.

Still, the risks of them being victims of cyberattacks exist.

In other words, if your supplier suffers a successful cyberattack, your banking data will be exposed.

Therefore, always avoid saving payment data on any site.

6- Always read privacy policies

Threats to information security are often right in front of us, and we don’t even realize it.

For example, do you know all the permissions you have given to software and applications installed and used in your company?

Yes, privacy policies are often lengthy and not so easy to understand. However, make an effort and avoid unpleasant surprises.

7- Check application permissions

Perhaps, with the measure above, you were left with a flea behind your ear.

After all, how to access your applications more securely?

The good news is that it is always possible to check permissions and revoke those with which you do not agree.

This is an attitude that should be taken periodically. And, not only on company devices but also on personal ones.

8- Be careful with your cell phone

Nowadays, the boundaries that separate personal life from work are increasingly tenuous.

And, one of the responsible for this to happen are smartphones. They often store work data and information.

Protect your cell phone as well.

Some security measures to avoid data leakage through your cell phone

  • Put a password on the device;
  • avoid accessing public wi-fi networks;
  • and connect to the internet always using a virtual private network (VPN).

9- Make privacy adjustments on social networks and others

Social networks are tools aimed at exposing our lives and personal data.

Did you know that they can be used by criminals as sources of information?

For example, to apply digital scams. Thus being a threat to information security.

Always use common sense when using these tools. Put digital security first.

And, make the necessary privacy adjustments on the networks. Allow only people you trust to have access.

10- Count on the support of cyber intelligence services

It is not always easy to take all the measures that guarantee cybersecurity.

Therefore, usually, businesses cannot ensure information security on their own.

After all, there are so many challenges to overcome daily that paying attention to everything is a difficult mission.

An alternative is to count on Intelligence Services. In addition to Consulting for the implementation of security processes.

These services are capable of protecting your business data.

And if my company is a victim of data leakage? What to do?

If your company is a victim of virtual threats that pop up in the digital world, it is very important to report to the competent authorities.

You can file a police report.

Do this with the specialized police stations in virtual crimes, or even the common ones.

Another measure that should be taken is hiring a digital investigation company. They will take care of the expertise.

The Digital Expert will be able to:

investigate your devices, networks, and systems,

identify the causes of the attack,

as well as trying to identify those responsible.

Want to know more about how to protect your data and mitigate threats to information security in your company? Like our pages on social networks and continue following the STW Brasil blog for more quality content!

See you next time!

Leading company in information security. The digital protection of your company is our priority. We rely on state-of-the-art technology used by highly specialized professionals.

(11) 2666-3787
R. São Bento, 365 – 8o Andar – Centro Histórico de São Paulo, São Paulo – SP,
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